Bro’s update at 20 weeks

I have started hunting Bro with the other dogs each time I go out now. he is keeping up well with me and looking out with the other dogs but on a recent hunt Tig put up a bail on a mob of pigs and once Rastus arrived, him and Tig grabbed a small 30 pounder so I gave them both a tone on the collar. at the same time Fog put a bail up 100 meters away and Rastus heard this and headed over to join the bail. I had to give Tig a second tone on the collar before he headed over to the others. Bro kept leaving my side wanting to go up to the other dogs but it was a steep shitty face and the others were out 200 meters. While I was trying to find a way up to them they broke around the hill. This wee boar gave the dogs a good run around for the next twenty minutes. It was good to see how well the dogs stuck with this boar and each time he was bailed it was Rastus that bailed first. Finally they worked him right down onto a track where I gave Bro some time to bail before sticking this boar.

Because he was only 66 pounds I carried him the km back around to my truck as the exercise was good for me even though I could have driven right to him.