boar in the driveway

Three days after my previous hunt I was at home heading down to my gateway to cut the grass when I noticed the four dogs could smell a pig in the native block above the white gates. As I opened the gates the dogs took off so I knew this pig could not be too far away. It did not take the dogs long to locate a 60lb boar and bring him down into the creek for me. I like those pigs just a 20 meter drag back up to the track then take him back up to the house to join the other two boars that are hanging in the chiller.

With him sorted it was back down the drive to cut the grass.

Two days later I was coming back up the drive through the white gates when the dogs once again smelt pigs up in the native block and this time all four dogs tracked out to 500 meters to where the pigs were and it was Rastus who broke away and back to the spot that we caught the 60lber a couple of days earlier. It was here that he bailed up and I could see on the GPS that Tig and Gus were heading his way. Once the three dogs were there they grabbed this pig and when it came into a bit of a clearing could see that it was a grey 60lber at the same time Bro bailed up away back where they started so hoping that he had a bigger pig I whistled these dogs off this pig. Rastus and Tig came off OK but Gus didn’t want to leave this pig. Once Rastus and Tig heard Bro they were off and soon Gus came off his pig and headed for the second pig. Bro originally had this pig 100 meters up the face but it broke down into the creek only 20 meters off the track. It turned out to be a grey sow about 60 lb so I called the dogs off as I did not need any more pork.

The three boars that I had in the chiller I boned out and got the Geraldine butcher to put it through his mincer. I gave this meat away to the South Canterbury search and rescue team on our next training night. Being part of this Search and rescue team is another way of me giving back to my community.

Team building at training. Moving a candle around a course without it going out and the person holding the candle can’t walk.