Spreading grass seed

My wee hand spreader that has done a fantastic job of sowing the seeds on the bulldozer tracks in the back ground
My wee hand spreader that has done a fantastic job of sowing the seeds on the bulldozer tracks in the back ground

With having the bulldozer in recently uncovering so much ground I have had to put some grass seed around on the dirt ground. If I don’t then this ground will only grow weeds. I had purchased some grass seed that also had some kale and turnip seed in with it hoping that this will give the stock something extra to eat. Because the ground that I wanted covered is steep and also being poor does not help I have had to do this by hand with my wee spreader. I just carried extra seed in my back pack while I was walking around spreading the seed. Some of the ground was very steep so I had to be careful not to fall over and drop the seed out of the spreader. I also had to get the timing right as we are having it quite dry at present with a bit of wind which would just blow the seed away and it would not germinate. So when I woke up early after night shift in the milk tanker and saw that it was drizzling outside I got straight into the job before having to go back to work for another night. I only had a couple of hours to walk around and cover the ground so I did not get everything done but there is not to much left to do. While I was walking round spreading it was bringing back old memories of 20 plus years ago when I used to drive a spreader for Cooks transport.

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