Snow’s first fright from a pig

Something that most hunters don’t get to see is when their young dog gets its first tune up from a big boar. This can have a big effect on a young dog and can make a lot of young dog’s boar shy in one quick lesson. Once a young dog becomes boar shy it can take some time for the young dog to mature enough to be able to cope with an aggressive situation. An easy way to put a young dog off is to give them an electric shock and then take them away from the pigs this way they remember the bad things. In a similar situation if I were to give a young dog a shock then I would want to get that young dog back onto a pig so that when the dog is called off he remembers a good thing. Now with young Snow the other day I took him and his father Fog down to bail Mr Pig and everything was going fine until Mr Pig charged Snow and got him under the chest and flipped up into the air and Snow landed on the ground on his back and was a bit winded as he came back to me to try and hide from the big nasty boar. I had a quick look over Snow but there was no damage done so I got my camera back out and kept Fog bailing so that Snow would get his confidence back and go back in and bail. Snow was very cautious to start with but I had plenty of time and he eventually went back in and bailed. If I had taken him away from this situation when he got a fright it would have taken a lot longer to get him going next time so I was pleased that I was in a situation where I could allow Snow to gain his confidence again.