I have been slack lately

I have been slack lately at keeping up with the articles. A lot has happened since my last post. I thank all of those readers that have reminded my that I have been a bit slack so this is a bit of a catch up on what I have been up to over the last month.

Dressed up possum at the Waiau comp
Dressed up possum at the Waiau comp

The Waiau pig hunting comp was on with more hunters entered this year than any before with a good line up of pigs. Also there was a section for the best dressed possum. One young lad dressed his possum up as David Tua in a boxing ring with the words on the front! O for awesome. It was good to catch up with a lot of the locals that I have been lucky enough to meet over the past few years.

My neibours ute all parked up
My neibours ute all parked up

Next high light for the month was one of my neighbours rolled his ute not far from my gate way. He was very lucky as he had was driving around the corner at 10 am coming back from having a swim in the river. He was not taken enough notice of the road and as soon as he realised that he was veering off the road he tried to turn back onto the road the problem was that he was to far off the road and the bank was getting steeper and the ute rolled. It rolled on one side then onto its roof then onto the passenger side. If it had rolled once more it would have dropped over the bank. Because of its position we could not roll it back onto its wheels before dragging it back towards some flat ground. With my ute and two car jacks we managed to get the ute back on its wheels.

123 pound boar
123 pound boar

A couple of days after this Bryce took just Lightning and Fog out for a hunt in the forestry where he works with one of his work mates Mat. Both dogs had a good run on this boar before Bryce could get into a position to shoot him. Lightning ended up with a rip in behind his ear that I had to put a couple of staples in. This boar weighed 123 pounds.


A good line up of pigs
A good line up of pigs

Bryce and I travelled down south for a couple of days hunting with Richard Hand, Phil Simonson and Tony Hogg. I have written a whole article about this hunt that will be in the next addition of the Hooked on boars Magazine. The best boar that we caught on this trip weighed 168 pounds. We ended up with ten pigs for the three days hunting. One of these pigs Bryce was filming when the pig walked backwards over a three meter drop. When the pig landed it was stuck for a while until it wriggled its way free while the dogs were still bailing.

Sheep penned and ready to be dagged
Sheep penned and ready to be dagged

Also had the sheep in for dagging and drenching. This has got them all looking good and should keep the fly strike away for a while. The possum Dog Jeff worked well on the sheep and caught a couple of the hard to catch lambs that could out run me but not the Dog.