Boris’s escape foiled

I had just spent the last three days driving a milk tanker for Fonterra which had not left me with much spare time for the animals. I would let the dogs out for a run at 4am before work then again at night at about 6.30pm. One thing that pleased me was that none of the older dogs had a crap in their kennel only Snow but he did have one day that he did not which is not to bad as he is not quite 15 weeks old.

When I went to feed the pigs Boris came up to me from outside of the wire. What is interesting to me is that Boris has never been on this side of the wire before. Yet four days earlier Black and white got in with Boris and they had a big scrap which at the time Boris won. I gave all of the other pigs some food and Boris started trying to get grumpy with me by chomping his tusks. This is where I have to be in control so rather than get angry and aggressive I acted serious and talked to Boris in a strong serious voice with a lot of energy behind what I was saying. Boris stopped chomping and backed off so I went back up to the shed to sort out the pig buckets. Every thing was going fine until Boris turned up. This was too good of an opportunity for the dogs to miss out on. As soon as they knew that Boris was on the wrong side of the fence they were onto him. I just flicked my camera on as they went around the side of the house. The dogs done very well considering only Fog had a collar on and no dogs were wearing muzzles. At one point the dogs had Boris backing up to the fence and I was hoping he could get back into the block. I don’t think he wanted to turn long enough to go under the wire. At one point I think Jeff bit him on the arse and this got him to break up and down the track. In the end Boris shot under the wire into Mr Pigs block so it will be interesting to see what happens between these two as they both think they are the main boar in their blocks.