136 pound barrow

Bryce,Fog and Tess
Bryce,Fog and Tess

On Saturday the 26th of April I managed to get out for a hunt with Bryce and a friend of his Tess Hill. Fog found our first pig reasonably close and bailed, Lightning arrived next and carried on bailing but once the dog that Tess had brought along arrived a bit of a scrap started with the pig dragging the dogs down the hill. Dusky was also there. Bryce and Tess went straight down the hill towards the action while I went back to the motor bike and rode around to a four wheel drive track further down the hill. I was about thirty seconds to late as I pulled up on the bike Bryce had just stuck the 136 pound barrow on the track. With the pig on the bike we had a beer to celebrate. This would have been good if it were not for the taste of this foul beer, not my taste at all. Some fancy beer that Bryce had brought along. On the way out the dogs got keen again and it took them a good thirty minutes to finally track down our next pig.

Fog again put up the first bail followed closely by Lightning. Dusky went the whole wrong way and did not turn up at the pig. Both dogs had a good bail going until Tess’s dog turned up and went in for a hold which got the pig squealing. I was quick on the electric collars as I hate the sound of a pig getting a hiding from the dogs. With both dogs zapped they started bailing again. When we arrived we watched as Fog and Lightning bailed nicely until I called them both off. Bryce was filming when I called the dogs off and just stopped filming when the young eighty pound sow charged Tess. The pig did not hang around to long though and got to live for another day. When we got back to the bike here was Tess’s dog with its tail between its legs looking very worried. What would have happened is when I gave my dogs a zap with the electric collars they would have been holding the pig and the shock would have gone through the pig and into Tess’s dog which up to this point had never had a shock form a collar before.